Hello, design elf Katrina here to show you my latest crafty project using the beautiful Craft Consortiums Gypsy Gypsy paper kit.This week I have created an art journal page.
The first thing that has to be said about this paper kit is just how beautifully presented it is. I have never seen a paper kit like this before and I have seen hundreds over the years. They have packaged it in a way that you can use every single piece of the packaging. The kit is a set of completely different type of papers, all 12x12 but some are partly glazed, some embossed and glittered and some with the most beautiful pearl finish to them I have ever seen. All are double sided and you get 4 of each design so you don't have to decide between the designs, you can use both. They all have a vintage flower, nature theme running through then but also have some plains in there too to compliment the floral. As well as the papers you also get a full 12x12 sheet of rub-ons and some collage pieces you can cut out yourself to add to your projects. If you like vintage florals you wont be disappointed with this kit I promise you. The only problem is making yourself take it apart and use it!
So after a lot of looking at it and stroking it I did make myself tear out one of the papers and use it. Here is an art journal page I created using the IndigoBlu Junk and Disorderly journal.

To create the page I used one of the brown sheets in the journal as I was going to use paper for the backing.
The backing paper is the duck egg blue embossed glitter dot from the Craft Consortium Gypsy pad.
I searched through all my digital kits to find a suitable face to use and sized it to the size I wanted and printed it out. There are lots of free images available on the internet for you to print out or of course you could use an image from a magazine or even a family photo. You just need a face you like looking sideways. Of course she has hair under the flowers, I just collaged over the top.
In the set of papers you get a sheet with postcards on one side and glittered cards on the other. I cut out some of the postcards and collaged them down the left hand side of the page.
Then I made myself a cup of tea, grabbed my scissors and a sheet of the flower collage paper and sat in front of an old film and cut them all out. I used half of the sheet and still had a fair few flowers over.
Once I had a nice pile of flowers I arranged them to cover her hair. Then I had the tricky job of sticking them down without moving them too much!
I used one of the lace rub-ons along the bottom. These are easy to apply if you do it slowly. I find it easier to cut the design out of the sheet of rub-ons, then measure and cut the length you need. The problem with rub-ons is they react to the heat of your hand. So if you try to use them straight from the sheet you will get bits of rub-ons all over the place which can ruin your work and also waste these lovely rub-ons.
So cut your piece, then lay them gently in place without handling them too much. I then rub my finger over the whole rub-on to help stick them in place. Then using something hard but smooth, a bone folder or just the back of a spoon is good, rub over the rub-on firmly but not too hard. These are very detailed rub-ons and you need to make sure you rub down every single tiny piece down. No matter how well you have rubbed it you won't of get ever single bit so whilst still holding the covering sheet in place, start at one end and slowly and gently lift the covering sheet up. As soon as you get to a spot you have missed stop and lay the covering sheet back down again and rub the missed piece. Then gently lift it up again and carry on. That way you will end up with a beautiful rub-on on your project.
To finish the page I added a bit of my Wink of Stella glitter pen.
You can find the Craft Consortium Gypsy, Gypsy paper kit in the shop here -
The IndigoBlu Junk and Disorderly art journal here-
I hope you like my art journal page and this beautiful paper kit. I have lots of project ideas for the kit so come back again soon.
Until then, take care,
Love Katrina